Meet Us.

Survivor Shield Foundation Leadership Staff

Rebecca Black- Executive Director

Rebecca Black is not only the Executive Director of Survivor Shield Foundation, she also leads the Path Programs serving as their lead facilitator and driving force behind their impact. As a compassionate leader both in programs and as Director, Rebecca guides support sessions for all survivors with an understanding of the importance of creating a safe and empathetic space for survivors to share their experiences and begin to heal. Rebecca Puts a strong emphasis on empowerment, and understanding how to combat the negative and self destructive emotions that can come from trauma. Rebecca herself is a survivor of 29 years. She has utilized her life experiences and healing path, combined with her degree and past employment to bring a unique and impactful presence in all that she does for Survivor Shield Foundation. Rebecca is a published author, and an advocate for survivors both in her personal and professional life, and is always continuing her education.

Contact Rebecca:

(520) 302-2004

Andrea Munoz- MyPath Facilitator

Andrea is Survivor Shield’s assistant facilitator for the MyPath program, and lead analyst. She works alongside Rebecca to provide critical mental health support services to survivors within the Pima County Adult Detention Complex. Andrea is key to understanding our impact through statistical data that we collect through our direct service programs. This data is crucial in understanding needs and gaps, so we can adjust and grow our programs accordingly.

Contact Andrea:

(520) 428-7085

Survivor Shield Foundation Board Of Directors

Survivor Shield Foundation Interns